Poster of New Brooklyn

New Brooklyn

Plot: Marta is the type of women who laughs the night away, but back at the apartment owned by Angela, where Marta is staying temporarily, she is a different person. With an intense sadness and some hidden troubles, Marta is accused of moping around too much
Release Date: Thursday, February 26 2009
16 years ago
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Portrait of Blanca LewinBlanca LewinBlanca Lewin was 34 in New Brooklyn as 'Marta Piro'.
Birthday: Sat, Aug 17 1974
Portrait of Pablo CerdaPablo CerdaPablo Cerda was 28 in New Brooklyn as 'Álvaro Muñoz'.
Birthday: Mon, Aug 18 1980


Portrait of Christopher CannucciariChristopher CannucciariChristopher Cannucciari was >> in New Brooklyn as 'Screenplay, Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday