Poster of Osamu and Musashi

Osamu and Musashi

Plot: The animation was produced for the Tezuka Osamu Manga Museum, thus it features scenes from the "life and nature" of Tezuka Osamu's childhood, themes that are central to the museum as a whole, through exchanges between the boy Osamu and the carabid beetle (Osamushi) who provided the origin for the artist's name.
Release Date: Monday, April 25 1994
30 years ago
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Portrait of Osamu TezukaOsamu TezukaOsamu Tezuka would have been no older than 60 in Osamu and Musashi as 'Main'.
Birthday: Sat, Nov 03 1928 –
Thu, Feb 09 1989


Portrait of RintaroRintaroRintaro was 53 in Osamu and Musashi as 'Director'
Birthday: Wed, Jan 22 1941