Poster of Ricky Rapper and the Strongman

Ricky Rapper and the Strongman

Plot: Ricky and Nelly decide to take part in arm wrestling competition during their summer holiday.
Release Date: Friday, February 15 2019
6 years ago
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Portrait of Silmu StåhlbergSilmu StåhlbergSilmu Ståhlberg was 13 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Risto Räppääjä'.
Birthday: Sun, Jan 01 2006
Portrait of Lumi KallioLumi KallioLumi Kallio was 11 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Nelli Nuudelipää'.
Birthday: Tue, Jan 01 2008
Portrait of Pamela TolaPamela TolaPamela Tola was 37 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Rauha Räppääjä'.
Birthday: Thu, Oct 15 1981
Portrait of Timo LavikainenTimo LavikainenTimo Lavikainen was 45 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Bill Pöntinen'.
Birthday: Tue, Jan 01 1974
Portrait of Aki RumbinAki RumbinAki Rumbin was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Eturivinmies'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ylermi RajamaaYlermi RajamaaYlermi Rajamaa was 38 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Lennart Lindberg'.
Birthday: Thu, Jan 01 1981
Portrait of Eelis KesäläinenEelis KesäläinenEelis Kesäläinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Sylvester Pöntinen'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jenni KokanderJenni KokanderJenni Kokander was 38 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Pakastaja-Elvi'.
Birthday: Wed, Jun 11 1980
Portrait of Lari HalmeLari HalmeLari Halme was 42 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Juontaja'.
Birthday: Fri, Jul 30 1976
Portrait of Karoliina BlackburnKaroliina BlackburnKaroliina Blackburn was 46 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Angelika Pöntinen'.
Birthday: Thu, Nov 23 1972
Portrait of Pauliina SaarinenPauliina SaarinenPauliina Saarinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Laulava naapuri'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chike OhanweChike OhanweChike Ohanwe was 29 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Scat-naapuri'.
Birthday: Fri, Apr 21 1989
Portrait of Antti VirmavirtaAntti VirmavirtaAntti Virmavirta was 59 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Guru'.
Birthday: Sat, Mar 07 1959
Portrait of Sami HuhtalaSami HuhtalaSami Huhtala was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Kössi Kietäväinen'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Niilo AirasNiilo AirasNiilo Airas was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'James Kietäväinen'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Seppo PirskanenSeppo PirskanenSeppo Pirskanen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Terry Korhonen'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of James NikanderJames NikanderJames Nikander was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Mies kuntosalilla (as Musta Barbaari)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Valtteri SaloValtteri SaloValtteri Salo was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Ronnie Virtanen'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Uolevi OjalaUolevi OjalaUolevi Ojala was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Pablo Virtanen'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lumo LevyLumo LevyLumo Levy was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Arnold Korhonen'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Markus LehmusruusuMarkus LehmusruusuMarkus Lehmusruusu was 36 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Director'
Birthday: Sat, Jan 01 1983
Portrait of Robert NordströmRobert NordströmRobert Nordström was 55 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Mon, Jul 15 1963
Portrait of Iiris OrasmaaIiris OrasmaaIiris Orasmaa was 28 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'First Assistant Director'
Birthday: Tue, Jan 01 1991
Portrait of Paula HaukinenPaula HaukinenPaula Haukinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Second Assistant Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aino NiemiAino NiemiAino Niemi was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Third Assistant Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tiina NopolaTiina NopolaTiina Nopola was 63 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Screenplay, Co-Producer, Book'
Birthday: Mon, Sep 05 1955
Portrait of Sinikka NopolaSinikka NopolaSinikka Nopola was 65 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Co-Producer, Screenplay, Book'
Birthday: Thu, Nov 26 1953 –
Wed, Jan 13 2021
Portrait of Risto SalomaaRisto SalomaaRisto Salomaa was 57 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Producer'
Birthday: Tue, Sep 05 1961
Portrait of Markus SelinMarkus SelinMarkus Selin was 58 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Producer'
Birthday: Wed, Mar 16 1960
Portrait of Jukka HelleJukka HelleJukka Helle was 57 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Producer'
Birthday: Sun, Jan 07 1962
Portrait of Jonna EnrothJonna EnrothJonna Enroth was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Line Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joona LouhivuoriJoona LouhivuoriJoona Louhivuori was 42 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Editor'
Birthday: Wed, Dec 22 1976
Portrait of Ari RusanenAri RusanenAri Rusanen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Online Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Iiro RantalaIiro RantalaIiro Rantala was 49 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 19 1970
Portrait of Siim Kaarel SaluriSiim Kaarel SaluriSiim Kaarel Saluri was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Steadicam Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tapio LiukkonenTapio LiukkonenTapio Liukkonen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Foley Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Olli PärnänenOlli PärnänenOlli Pärnänen was 52 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Sound Re-Recording Mixer'
Birthday: Wed, Mar 09 1966
Portrait of Kirka SainioKirka SainioKirka Sainio was 49 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Sound Designer, Sound Re-Recording Mixer'
Birthday: Thu, Jan 01 1970
Portrait of Anna VilppunenAnna VilppunenAnna Vilppunen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Costume Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Otso LinnalaaksoOtso LinnalaaksoOtso Linnalaakso was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marko TeräväMarko TeräväMarko Terävä was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Colorist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniel SykesDaniel SykesDaniel Sykes was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eetu HeleniusEetu HeleniusEetu Helenius was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Reija WäreReija WäreReija Wäre was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Choreographer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ville TolvanenVille TolvanenVille Tolvanen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kalle PenttiläKalle PenttiläKalle Penttilä was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Gaffer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Matleena KuuselaMatleena KuuselaMatleena Kuusela was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Saku AnttilaSaku AnttilaSaku Anttila was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Boom Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vladimir KrestjanoffVladimir KrestjanoffVladimir Krestjanoff was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jouko PiipponenJouko PiipponenJouko Piipponen was 40 in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'First Assistant Camera, Still Photographer'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 01 1979
Portrait of Aleksi TilliAleksi TilliAleksi Tilli was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Second Assistant Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Antris BonsdorffAntris BonsdorffAntris Bonsdorff was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Digital Imaging Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Senja RuohonenSenja RuohonenSenja Ruohonen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rosa MäkinenRosa MäkinenRosa Mäkinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Salla KotirantaSalla KotirantaSalla Kotiranta was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Script Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aaro VisalaAaro VisalaAaro Visala was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'First Assistant Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tarmo PehkonenTarmo PehkonenTarmo Pehkonen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Production Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hugo KiekebenHugo KiekebenHugo Kiekeben was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'VFX Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ida KallioIda KallioIda Kallio was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Production Secretary'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Torsti HyvönenTorsti HyvönenTorsti Hyvönen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Grip'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tero MalinenTero MalinenTero Malinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'VFX Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lasse KilpiäLasse KilpiäLasse Kilpiä was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'VFX Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anu RokkanenAnu RokkanenAnu Rokkanen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Makeup Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Antti PöllänenAntti PöllänenAntti Pöllänen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marju AarnivirtaMarju AarnivirtaMarju Aarnivirta was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Strongman as 'Production Coordinator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday