Poster of Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief

Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief

Plot: Summer vacation has just begun. In honor of it, Serena Rapper and Lennart Lindberg decide to go on holiday
Release Date: Friday, February 12 2010
15 years ago
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Portrait of Severi HeikkiläSeveri HeikkiläSeveri Heikkilä was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Risto Räppääjä'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lauramaija LuotoLauramaija LuotoLauramaija Luoto was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Nelli Nuudelipää'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Annu ValonenAnnu ValonenAnnu Valonen was 45 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Rauha Räppääjä'.
Birthday: Thu, Apr 30 1964
Portrait of Martti SuosaloMartti SuosaloMartti Suosalo was 47 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Lennart Lindberg'.
Birthday: Thu, Jul 19 1962
Portrait of Ulla TapaninenUlla TapaninenUlla Tapaninen was 54 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Elvi Räppääjä'.
Birthday: Sat, Nov 19 1955
Portrait of Marcus GrothMarcus GrothMarcus Groth was 49 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Bertil Rosenbögel'.
Birthday: Fri, Jun 10 1960
Portrait of Joel BonsdorffJoel BonsdorffJoel Bonsdorff was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Robert Rosenbögel'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christina Indrenius-ZalewskiChristina Indrenius-ZalewskiChristina Indrenius-Zalewski was 71 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Gunvor Rosenbögel'.
Birthday: Thu, Nov 24 1938
Portrait of Anna-Maija TuokkoAnna-Maija TuokkoAnna-Maija Tuokko was 28 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Nurse Pipsa'.
Birthday: Sat, Mar 14 1981
Portrait of Martti SyrjäMartti SyrjäMartti Syrjä was 50 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Doctor Mara'.
Birthday: Sun, May 17 1959
Portrait of Pantse SyrjäPantse SyrjäPantse Syrjä was 52 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Doctor Pera'.
Birthday: Fri, Nov 15 1957
Portrait of Jukka RasilaJukka RasilaJukka Rasila was 40 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Repa, ambulance driver'.
Birthday: Tue, Aug 12 1969
Portrait of Puntti ValtonenPuntti ValtonenPuntti Valtonen was 48 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Masa, ambulance driver'.
Birthday: Sat, Sep 23 1961
Portrait of Rainer KaunistoRainer KaunistoRainer Kaunisto was 59 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Train conductor'.
Birthday: Sat, May 27 1950
Portrait of Tuomas UusitaloTuomas UusitaloTuomas Uusitalo was 35 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Street musician'.
Birthday: Wed, Jan 01 1975
Portrait of Tuulia ElorantaTuulia ElorantaTuulia Eloranta was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Dancing Child in Hospital #2'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eva TawasoliEva TawasoliEva Tawasoli was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Veiled dancer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tuovi RantanenTuovi RantanenTuovi Rantanen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Tanssiva sairaanhoitaja'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Jolle OnnismaaJolle OnnismaaJolle Onnismaa was 42 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Assistant Director, Still Photographer'
Birthday: Tue, Oct 10 1967
Portrait of Timo HeinänenTimo HeinänenTimo Heinänen was 50 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Fri, Sep 18 1959
Portrait of Mari RantasilaMari RantasilaMari Rantasila was 47 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Story, Director'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 07 1963
Portrait of Tiina NopolaTiina NopolaTiina Nopola was 54 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Story, Screenplay'
Birthday: Mon, Sep 05 1955
Portrait of Sinikka NopolaSinikka NopolaSinikka Nopola was 56 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Story, Screenplay'
Birthday: Thu, Nov 26 1953 –
Wed, Jan 13 2021
Portrait of Risto SalomaaRisto SalomaaRisto Salomaa was 48 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Producer'
Birthday: Tue, Sep 05 1961
Portrait of Lasse SaarinenLasse SaarinenLasse Saarinen was 50 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Producer'
Birthday: Thu, Feb 11 1960
Portrait of Tuuli KuittinenTuuli KuittinenTuuli Kuittinen was 45 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Editor'
Birthday: Tue, Sep 15 1964
Portrait of Pietu KorhonenPietu KorhonenPietu Korhonen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ari RusanenAri RusanenAri Rusanen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Online Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Iiro RantalaIiro RantalaIiro Rantala was 40 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 19 1970
Portrait of Heikki KossiHeikki KossiHeikki Kossi was 40 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Foley Artist'
Birthday: Sat, Dec 06 1969
Portrait of Olli PärnänenOlli PärnänenOlli Pärnänen was 43 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Sound Re-Recording Mixer'
Birthday: Wed, Mar 09 1966
Portrait of Roger TooleyRoger TooleyRoger Tooley was 52 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Steadicam Operator'
Birthday: Tue, Dec 03 1957
Portrait of Tuula NikkolaTuula NikkolaTuula Nikkola was 45 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1965
Portrait of Reijo KontioReijo KontioReijo Kontio was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Stunt Coordinator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marko TeräväMarko TeräväMarko Terävä was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Colorist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Antti HärkönenAntti HärkönenAntti Härkönen was 58 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'First Assistant Camera'
Birthday: Sat, Jan 26 1952
Portrait of Matti EerikäinenMatti EerikäinenMatti Eerikäinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Second Assistant Camera, "B" Camera Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sari AaltonenSari AaltonenSari Aaltonen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Assistant Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kari MalmioKari MalmioKari Malmio was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Timo OravakangasTimo OravakangasTimo Oravakangas was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Teemu KoivistoTeemu KoivistoTeemu Koivisto was 28 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Assistant Camera'
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1982
Portrait of Nikojaakko IivarinenNikojaakko IivarinenNikojaakko Iivarinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sanna ÖstmanSanna ÖstmanSanna Östman was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Script Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Karri PöykiöKarri PöykiöKarri Pöykiö was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Gaffer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mika LehikoinenMika LehikoinenMika Lehikoinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ville MuurinenVille MuurinenVille Muurinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as '"B" Camera Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Risto IissaloRisto IissaloRisto Iissalo was 48 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Production Sound Mixer, Sound Designer'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 01 1962
Portrait of Kaisa PätiläKaisa PätiläKaisa Pätilä was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Makeup Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kukka SiliusKukka SiliusKukka Silius was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Makeup Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Minna SantakariMinna SantakariMinna Santakari was 49 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Sat, Apr 09 1960
Portrait of Harri LaaksoHarri LaaksoHarri Laakso was 51 in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Grip'
Birthday: Thu, Jan 01 1959
Portrait of Okku RahikainenOkku RahikainenOkku Rahikainen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Property Master'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tytti TiriTytti TiriTytti Tiri was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Property Master'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anni MattilaAnni MattilaAnni Mattila was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Location Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jouni KivimäkiJouni KivimäkiJouni Kivimäki was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Stunt Coordinator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Niina PasanenNiina PasanenNiina Pasanen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Costume Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lotta KuusistoLotta KuusistoLotta Kuusisto was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Choreographer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Leila MäkynenLeila MäkynenLeila Mäkynen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief as 'Makeup Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday