Poster of Miles 31/05/2007

Miles 31/05/2007

Plot: "Art is like a spray of pollen, like life itself, my sole reward is to be understood by a handful of people" Jean COCTEAU 03/07/1948 in Les Entretiens sur le cinématographe (Interviews on Cinematography), Ed. Belford (Belford Press) Images harvested in Miles MCKANE's garden, with Mahine ROUHI, when we visited Nantes (for a projection of our film "Tahousse") in May 2007
Release Date: Monday, January 1 2007
18 years ago
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Portrait of Olivier FouchardOlivier FouchardOlivier Fouchard was 38 in Miles 31/05/2007 as 'Director'
Birthday: Wed, Jan 01 1969