Poster of Children of the Moon

Children of the Moon

Plot: A father joins his son as he searches for Heaven in the night's sky, each hoping to catch a glimpse of his own grandmother.
Release Date: Wednesday, May 1 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Michael FegleyMichael FegleyMichael Fegley was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Paul'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Oakes FegleyOakes FegleyOakes Fegley was 8 in Children of the Moon as 'Michael'.
Birthday: Thu, Nov 11 2004
Portrait of Thomas DibellaThomas DibellaThomas Dibella was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Young Paul'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sue RedwaySue RedwaySue Redway was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Paul's Grandma'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Daniel DiBellaDaniel DiBellaDaniel DiBella was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joseph PellegrinoJoseph PellegrinoJoseph Pellegrino was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Writer, Executive Producer, Sound Editor, Director of Photography, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Richard L. Haas IIIRichard L. Haas IIIRichard L. Haas III was 19 in Children of the Moon as 'Assistant Director'
Birthday: Tue, Sep 28 1993
Portrait of Sara FarleySara FarleySara Farley was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jim MayzikJim MayzikJim Mayzik was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jerry PellegrinoJerry PellegrinoJerry Pellegrino was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joan PellegrinoJoan PellegrinoJoan Pellegrino was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andrew BromstedtAndrew BromstedtAndrew Bromstedt was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Erik FongErik FongErik Fong was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Visual Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joan MercadanteJoan MercadanteJoan Mercadante was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alex OgdanAlex OgdanAlex Ogdan was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Assistant Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dewey Browder IVDewey Browder IVDewey Browder IV was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Script Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Conor DriscollConor DriscollConor Driscoll was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Gaffer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Steve YinglingSteve YinglingSteve Yingling was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Dolly Grip, Key Grip'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of John AngeloneJohn AngeloneJohn Angelone was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Melanie AchariamMelanie AchariamMelanie Achariam was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Liz BlaskoLiz BlaskoLiz Blasko was >> in Children of the Moon as 'Boom Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday