Poster of あなたの隣の神隠し


Plot: In a joint project with the mystery magazine "Mu," idols Nozomi Ando and Mariya Yanagisawa dissect "Kamikakushi" (Spirited Away) and other "Kamikakushi" stories from multiple perspectives in an intellectually entertaining and in-depth report of facts not generally known to the public.
Release Date: Friday, June 14 2002
22 years ago
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Portrait of Nozomi AndoNozomi Ando
Nozomi Ando was
19 in あなたの隣の神隠し
Tue, Aug 03 1982
Portrait of Maria YanagisawaMaria Yanagisawa
Maria Yanagisawa was
>> in あなたの隣の神隠し
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Masahiro IchiwaMasahiro Ichiwa
Masahiro Ichiwa was
>> in あなたの隣の神隠し
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday