Poster of Mothering


Plot: The story of a young girl, Mia, arriving at her new foster home. When her first period unexpectedly appears in the early hours, help comes in the form of her foster parent's elderly mother, Pauline
Release Date: Tuesday, May 1 2018
6 years ago
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Portrait of Sapphire PaineSapphire Paine
Sapphire Paine was
>> in Mothering
as 'Mia'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Angela McHaleAngela McHale
Angela McHale was
>> in Mothering
as 'Helen'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ursula JonesUrsula Jones
Ursula Jones was
>> in Mothering
as 'Pauline'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Lucy BridgerLucy Bridger
Lucy Bridger was
>> in Mothering
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nick MorrisNick Morris
Nick Morris was
>> in Mothering
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ailsa Vanessa TappingAilsa Vanessa Tapping
Ailsa Vanessa Tapping was
>> in Mothering
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jack WilliamsJack Williams
Jack Williams was
>> in Mothering
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Natalie HumphriesNatalie Humphries
Natalie Humphries was
>> in Mothering
as 'Costume Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anna MouldAnna Mould
Anna Mould was
>> in Mothering
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday