Poster of Embittered City

Embittered City

Plot: An investigative journey to a Ukrainian city that is completely cut off from the outside world and that harbors a secret that costs more human lives with each day that passes. Many of the people who live here don't even know that a deadly disease has already established itself in their organs: cancer, triggered by radioactivity
Release Date: Wednesday, May 1 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Natalya DetigNatalya DetigNatalya Detig was >> in Embittered City as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Alexander DetigAlexander DetigAlexander Detig was >> in Embittered City as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tatyana DetigTatyana DetigTatyana Detig was >> in Embittered City as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday