Poster of The Waitress

The Waitress

Plot: In an exciting teaser, the film takes place in an apartment its owner call it "The Waitress" The movie revolves around three people only. A man (Nedal Al Shafey) and his wife (Ghada Abdel Razek) and a thief (Manzer Reyahna)
Release Date: Saturday, December 28 2013
10 years ago
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Portrait of Nedal Al ShafeyNedal Al Shafey
Nedal Al Shafey was
35 in The Waitress
as 'سامح عمران'.
Mon, Jun 12 1978
Portrait of Ghada Abdel RazekGhada Abdel Razek
Ghada Abdel Razek was
48 in The Waitress
as 'ندى'.
Tue, Jul 06 1965
Portrait of Monzer RayahnehMonzer Rayahneh
Monzer Rayahneh was
34 in The Waitress
Sun, Apr 08 1979
