Poster of Live Broadcasting

Live Broadcasting

Plot: The movie takes place during a single night, in which Faris, a suspended officer, finds himself involved in an increasing number of events. The emergence of a person who live broadcasts the events on social media and channels steps up the dilemma, especially with the very high viewing rate
Release Date: Thursday, August 31 2017
7 years ago
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Portrait of Sameh HusseinSameh Hussein
Sameh Hussein was
41 in Live Broadcasting
as 'Faris'.
Tue, Dec 16 1975
Portrait of Samia TrabelsiSamia Trabelsi
Samia Trabelsi was
30 in Live Broadcasting
as 'Mariam'.
Sat, Jun 13 1987
Portrait of Mohsen Mohey ElDeinMohsen Mohey ElDein
Mohsen Mohey ElDein was
57 in Live Broadcasting
Sun, Nov 01 1959


Portrait of Morcous AdelMorcous Adel
Morcous Adel was
>> in Live Broadcasting
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday