Poster of Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

Plot: Karim is interested in Esmat, but her daughter's mother's sister, Mossayeb, is considered for the meals that work in the harbor. Mossayeb, on a trip to Tehran, is arrested with a group of smugglers
Release Date: Sunday, March 21 1976
48 years ago
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Portrait of Bahman MofidBahman Mofid
Bahman Mofid was
>> in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Karim'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shahnaz TehraniShahnaz Tehrani
Shahnaz Tehrani was
21 in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Esmat'.
Mon, Mar 22 1954


Portrait of Abbas KasayiAbbas Kasayi
Abbas Kasayi was
>> in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maziar BazyaranMaziar Bazyaran
Maziar Bazyaran was
39 in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Writer'
Fri, May 01 1936 –
Wed, Jul 19 2023
Portrait of Mohammad Taghi ShokrayiMohammad Taghi Shokrayi
Mohammad Taghi Shokrayi was
>> in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hassan MosayyebiHassan Mosayyebi
Hassan Mosayyebi was
>> in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Editor, Sound Mixer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nasser TabriziNasser Tabrizi
Nasser Tabrizi was
>> in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rajab EbadiRajab Ebadi
Rajab Ebadi was
>> in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Reza BankiReza Banki
Reza Banki was
36 in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Still Photographer'
Mon, Apr 17 1939
Portrait of Ali AllahyariAli Allahyari
Ali Allahyari was
>> in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Assistant Camera'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ali MahaniAli Mahani
Ali Mahani was
>> in Pride and Prejudice
as 'Effects Supervisor'
Unknown Birthday