Poster of Le Pardon

Le Pardon

Plot: Following an error made in the results of his medical analysis, Fawzi, a judge, has to face one of the victims of his sentencing. This man, a certain Mostari, just released from prison and suffering from a cancer in its terminal phase, is preparing to die in his own way
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Mohamed Ali Ben JemaaMohamed Ali Ben JemaaMohamed Ali Ben Jemaa may be 54+ in Le Pardon as 'Fawzi'.
Birthday: Fri, Nov 13 1970
Portrait of Abed FahedAbed FahedAbed Fahed may be 61+ in Le Pardon as 'Mostari'.
Birthday: Fri, Feb 21 1964


Portrait of Najwa Limam SlamaNajwa Limam SlamaNajwa Limam Slama may be >> in Le Pardon as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday