Poster of Helios


Plot: In the year 2030, the crew of the Helios spacecraft is on an urgent mission to the International Space Station. When a massive solar flare from an incoming cataclysmic solar storm hits the station on a collision course with Earth, it is up to astronomer and former NASA Astronaut, Jess Denver, and Air Force Colonel Sam Adler to team up and save humanity
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Michelle DannerMichelle Danner
Michelle Danner may be
>> in Helios
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michael K. AndersonMichael K. Anderson
Michael K. Anderson may be
>> in Helios
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bernard MooreBernard Moore
Bernard Moore may be
>> in Helios
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Patricia A. BeninatiPatricia A. Beninati
Patricia A. Beninati may be
>> in Helios
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday