Poster of Before the Gate of Ictihad

Before the Gate of Ictihad

Plot: Four Muslim friends meet in the forest to pray together and to talk in peace. The harmony gets broken by the coming out of Seydi and the circle gets in an endless spiral of contention; about Islam, sin and belief, forgiveness and punishment
Release Date: Wednesday, May 1 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Erol AfşinErol AfşinErol Afşin was 23 in Before the Gate of Ictihad as 'Kadir'.
Birthday: Tue, Aug 29 1989
Portrait of Harun BüyükaltayHarun BüyükaltayHarun Büyükaltay was >> in Before the Gate of Ictihad as 'Yasin'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mehmet Akif BüyükatalayMehmet Akif BüyükatalayMehmet Akif Büyükatalay was 25 in Before the Gate of Ictihad as 'Hamza'.
Birthday: Mon, May 25 1987
Portrait of Baris ÖztürkBaris ÖztürkBaris Öztürk was >> in Before the Gate of Ictihad as 'Seydi'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Mehmet Akif BüyükatalayMehmet Akif BüyükatalayMehmet Akif Büyükatalay was 25 in Before the Gate of Ictihad as 'Screenplay, Director'
Birthday: Mon, May 25 1987
Portrait of Christian KochmannChristian KochmannChristian Kochmann was 28 in Before the Gate of Ictihad as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Sat, Jul 07 1984