Plot: This movie is about children who live every day with a reminder of war and enemies. This happens in today's Russia, in the city of Belaya Kalitva in the Rostov region
Release Date:
Thursday, December 6 2018 6 years ago
Alexandr RastorguevAlexandr Rastorguev would have been no older than 47 in Childhood, Summer and War as 'Director, Screenplay, Director of Photography'
Birthday: Sat, Jun 26 1971 – Tue, Jul 31 2018
Maxim PakhomovMaxim Pakhomov was 30 in Childhood, Summer and War as 'Sound Director, Director'
Birthday: Tue, Sep 27 1988
Maria GavrilovaMaria Gavrilova was >> in Childhood, Summer and War as 'Producer'