Poster of Sprung ins Leere

Sprung ins Leere

Plot: Gwen turns invisible: to search for her own way of life and to be able to secretly study those of others. With an unpredictable outcome
Release Date: Friday, December 1 1995
29 years ago
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Portrait of Kristin DerflerKristin DerflerKristin Derfler was 30 in Sprung ins Leere as 'Gwen'.
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1965
Portrait of Irene HolzfurtnerIrene HolzfurtnerIrene Holzfurtner was >> in Sprung ins Leere
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Maren-Kea FreeseMaren-Kea FreeseMaren-Kea Freese was >> in Sprung ins Leere as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Matthias MaaßMatthias MaaßMatthias Maaß was >> in Sprung ins Leere as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday