Poster of Harrie and Two Masters

Harrie and Two Masters

Plot: When Harrie Vermeulen (played by Jon van Eerd) is persuaded to impersonate the prospective husband of a young girl, he is thrown into a whirlwind of hilariously priceless complications, where he has to play not just one but four roles. Harrie becomes the innkeeper, the lover, the brother, and even the sister! Together with his servant Jacob Closet, he gets entangled in an impossible web of lies and misunderstandings
Release Date: Tuesday, January 1 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Jon van EerdJon van Eerd
Jon van Eerd was
52 in Harrie and Two Masters
as 'Harrie Vermeulen'.
Mon, Sep 05 1960
Portrait of Arie CupéArie Cupé
Arie Cupé was
>> in Harrie and Two Masters
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lucie de LangeLucie de Lange
Lucie de Lange was
55 in Harrie and Two Masters
Wed, Jun 12 1957
Portrait of Margo DamesMargo Dames
Margo Dames was
49 in Harrie and Two Masters
Sun, Sep 01 1963
Portrait of Mark Sloof van ToorMark Sloof van Toor
Mark Sloof van Toor was
>> in Harrie and Two Masters
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Guus VoogtGuus Voogt
Guus Voogt was
>> in Harrie and Two Masters
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Cathalijne de SonnavilleCathalijne de Sonnaville
Cathalijne de Sonnaville was
>> in Harrie and Two Masters
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anouk KalterAnouk Kalter
Anouk Kalter was
>> in Harrie and Two Masters
Unknown Birthday
