Georg RihaGeorg Riha was 54 in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Director, Script, Producer, Director of Photography'
Birthday: Tue, Aug 28 1951
Thomas KirschnerThomas Kirschner was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Manfred ChristManfred Christ was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Harald PokieserHarald Pokieser was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Margit CzöppanMargit Czöppan was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Gudrun NiederGudrun Nieder was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Franz GrabnerFranz Grabner was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Commissioning Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
NaxosNaxos was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Wolfgang KrsekWolfgang Krsek was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Sound Engineer, Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Franz BartolomeyFranz Bartolomey was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Musician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Julian RachlinJulian Rachlin was 31 in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Musician'
Birthday: Sun, Dec 08 1974
Gottlieb WallischGottlieb Wallisch was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Musician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Alfons EggerAlfons Egger was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Music Consultant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Gernot UrsinGernot Ursin was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
NoisiaNoisia was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Helga RipperHelga Ripper was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Script'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Klaus FeichtenbergerKlaus Feichtenberger was 53 in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Script'
Birthday: Thu, Jan 01 1953
Andreas HaiderAndreas Haider was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Additional Photography, Camera Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sascha KöllnreiterSascha Köllnreiter was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Additional Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Manfred GruberManfred Gruber was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Camera Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Oliver RafelsbergerOliver Rafelsberger was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Camera Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Stefan ZillerStefan Ziller was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Camera Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jochen SüssJochen Süss was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Visual Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Dominik SteinerDominik Steiner was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Visual Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Katharina RihaKatharina Riha was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Gerlinde RadacherGerlinde Radacher was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Michael HeinzlMichael Heinzl was >> in Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday