Poster of Hágase tu voluntad

Hágase tu voluntad

Plot: A woman has been diagnosed with breast cancer, so she decides to follow the trace of her father, who abandoned her when she was a child. His traces lead her to the mexican caribbean
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Damián AlcázarDamián AlcázarDamián Alcázar may be 72+ in Hágase tu voluntad
Birthday: Thu, Jan 08 1953
Portrait of Macarena OzMacarena OzMacarena Oz may be >> in Hágase tu voluntad
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Adriana BarrazaAdriana BarrazaAdriana Barraza may be 69+ in Hágase tu voluntad
Birthday: Mon, Mar 05 1956
Portrait of Itatí CantoralItatí CantoralItatí Cantoral may be 49+ in Hágase tu voluntad
Birthday: Tue, May 13 1975


Portrait of Carlos Alberto Cruz LianCarlos Alberto Cruz LianCarlos Alberto Cruz Lian may be >> in Hágase tu voluntad as 'Director, Screenplay'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Beatriz NovaroBeatriz NovaroBeatriz Novaro may be >> in Hágase tu voluntad as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Itatí CantoralItatí CantoralItatí Cantoral may be 49+ in Hágase tu voluntad as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Tue, May 13 1975