Poster of A Tangled Affair

A Tangled Affair

Plot: Two young men are aspirants for the hand of Mabel, Henry and Ned, Ned, walking through the park, accidentally bumps into a gouty old gentleman who furiously resents the shock, and Ned amuses himself by tapping the gouty foot with his cane and keeping out of reach of the lunges of the old man. When he calls at Mabel's home he finds to his consternation that the old gentleman is Mabel's father
Release Date: Monday, February 24 1913
111 years ago
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Portrait of Mabel NormandMabel Normand
Mabel Normand was
19 in A Tangled Affair
as 'Mabel'.
Thu, Nov 09 1893 –
Sun, Feb 23 1930


Portrait of Mack SennettMack Sennett
Mack Sennett was
33 in A Tangled Affair
as 'Director'
Sat, Jan 17 1880 –
Sat, Nov 05 1960