Poster of Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady

Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady

Plot: In a quiet resort town Haapsalu four kids are spending their summer holidays together. Suddenly they are dragged into events that started in the 15th century in the local bishop's stronghold
Release Date: Friday, December 20 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Liisa KoppelLiisa KoppelLiisa Koppel was 10 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Emilia Piir'.
Birthday: Fri, Mar 28 2003 –
Mon, Oct 04 2021
Portrait of Mariann VilbreMariann VilbreMariann Vilbre was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Rosanna Maidla'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Miikael AinlaMiikael AinlaMiikael Ainla was 13 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Markus Piir'.
Birthday: Wed, Oct 25 2000 –
Sun, Aug 12 2018
Portrait of Mikk KaasikMikk KaasikMikk Kaasik was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Karl Maidla'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tambet TuiskTambet TuiskTambet Tuisk was 37 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Tõnis Piir'.
Birthday: Sun, May 23 1976
Portrait of Hilje MurelHilje MurelHilje Murel was 38 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Berit Piir'.
Birthday: Wed, Dec 17 1975
Portrait of Priit VõigemastPriit VõigemastPriit Võigemast was 33 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Stig Velson'.
Birthday: Fri, Apr 18 1980
Portrait of Lembit UlfsakLembit UlfsakLembit Ulfsak was 66 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Herman Krookus'.
Birthday: Fri, Jul 04 1947 –
Wed, Mar 22 2017
Portrait of Ülle KaljusteÜlle KaljusteÜlle Kaljuste was 56 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Margit Truu'.
Birthday: Wed, Apr 10 1957
Portrait of Indrek TaalmaaIndrek TaalmaaIndrek Taalmaa was 46 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Aivar Lohu'.
Birthday: Sun, Jul 09 1967
Portrait of Tarvo SõmerTarvo SõmerTarvo Sõmer was 40 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Roobert Üürike'.
Birthday: Sat, May 05 1973
Portrait of Maie MatveiMaie MatveiMaie Matvei was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Museum Director'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Leino ReiLeino ReiLeino Rei was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Mait Maidla'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maarja JakobsonMaarja JakobsonMaarja Jakobson was 36 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Loviis Maidla'.
Birthday: Thu, Dec 08 1977
Portrait of Merle PalmisteMerle PalmisteMerle Palmiste was 43 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Karin Viisla'.
Birthday: Sun, Nov 01 1970
Portrait of Kärt KullKärt KullKärt Kull was 22 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Johanna'.
Birthday: Tue, Jun 11 1991
Portrait of Märt PiusMärt PiusMärt Pius was 24 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Jacob'.
Birthday: Sat, Feb 04 1989
Portrait of Jaan RekkorJaan RekkorJaan Rekkor was 55 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Bonifacius'.
Birthday: Thu, Apr 03 1958
Portrait of Rednar AnnusRednar AnnusRednar Annus was 43 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Henricus'.
Birthday: Mon, Feb 16 1970
Portrait of Pääru OjaPääru OjaPääru Oja was 24 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Evaristus'.
Birthday: Tue, May 16 1989
Portrait of Väino LaesVäino LaesVäino Laes was 62 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Bishop'.
Birthday: Wed, Sep 26 1951
Portrait of Oskar PoolaOskar PoolaOskar Poola was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Franciscus'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Madis LepikMadis LepikMadis Lepik was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rene SaumetsRene SaumetsRene Saumets was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rasmus PostiRasmus PostiRasmus Posti was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Indrek TulpIndrek TulpIndrek Tulp was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Timo KikasTimo KikasTimo Kikas was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ülo ToemetsÜlo ToemetsÜlo Toemets was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tiit Laur RandlaineTiit Laur RandlaineTiit Laur Randlaine was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Henri AabnaHenri AabnaHenri Aabna was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nikita BuzõkinNikita BuzõkinNikita Buzõkin was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gregor AltonGregor AltonGregor Alton was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Margus JõgilaneMargus JõgilaneMargus Jõgilane was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Üllar NeemrandÜllar NeemrandÜllar Neemrand was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jüri JaanusJüri JaanusJüri Jaanus was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Monk'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Indrek JetsIndrek JetsIndrek Jets was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'War Servants'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ramon TohverRamon TohverRamon Tohver was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'War Servants'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maarja ViikmaaMaarja ViikmaaMaarja Viikmaa was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Bonifacius's Sister'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Arleen RilloArleen RilloArleen Rillo was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Piia'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ragneli RuugeRagneli RuugeRagneli Ruuge was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Baby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Uku SuvisteUku SuvisteUku Suviste was 31 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Concert Hall Musician'.
Birthday: Sun, Jun 06 1982
Portrait of Martin MattMartin MattMartin Matt was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Concert Hall Musician'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jaanus OjassooJaanus OjassooJaanus Ojassoo was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Guard of the Railway Museum'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Merike NuudiMerike NuudiMerike Nuudi was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Visitor of the Railway Museum'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mai NuudiMai NuudiMai Nuudi was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Visitor of the Railway Museum'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Linda LiivamäeLinda LiivamäeLinda Liivamäe was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Visitor of the Railway Museum'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Liina KaljuveerLiina KaljuveerLiina Kaljuveer was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Viisla Studio Dancer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maritta MarkMaritta MarkMaritta Mark was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Viisla Studio Dancer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kaivo SoonKaivo SoonKaivo Soon was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Viisla Studio Dancer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Veiko AasaVeiko AasaVeiko Aasa was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Viisla Studio Dancer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kalev RandlaineKalev RandlaineKalev Randlaine was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Viisla Studio Dancer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Leonora LiivLeonora LiivLeonora Liiv was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Viisla Studio Dancer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of René VilbreRené VilbreRené Vilbre was 43 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Director'
Birthday: Sun, May 17 1970
Portrait of Kristjan-Jaak NuudiKristjan-Jaak NuudiKristjan-Jaak Nuudi was 36 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Wed, Feb 23 1977
Portrait of Helen ValknaHelen ValknaHelen Valkna was 36 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'First Assistant Director'
Birthday: Wed, Jul 13 1977
Portrait of Mihkel UlmanMihkel UlmanMihkel Ulman was 57 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Sun, Jul 08 1956
Portrait of Raivo SuvisteRaivo SuvisteRaivo Suviste was 59 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Producer'
Birthday: Fri, Mar 26 1954
Portrait of Jüri JaanusJüri JaanusJüri Jaanus was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mirle VeisnerMirle VeisnerMirle Veisner was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Margo SiimonMargo SiimonMargo Siimon was 34 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Editor'
Birthday: Tue, Apr 17 1979
Portrait of Helis HirveHelis HirveHelis Hirve was 23 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Editor'
Birthday: Tue, Mar 27 1990
Portrait of Arian LevinArian LevinArian Levin was 34 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Music, Sound'
Birthday: Tue, Mar 06 1979
Portrait of Enar TarmoEnar TarmoEnar Tarmo was 45 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Stunt Coordinator'
Birthday: Sun, Mar 03 1968
Portrait of Andres KlugeAndres KlugeAndres Kluge was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Visual Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eva-Maria GramakovskiEva-Maria GramakovskiEva-Maria Gramakovski was 35 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Thu, Sep 21 1978
Portrait of Horret KuusHorret KuusHorret Kuus was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anu LensmentAnu LensmentAnu Lensment was 42 in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Costume Design'
Birthday: Fri, Apr 23 1971
Portrait of Birgit DemidovaBirgit DemidovaBirgit Demidova was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Visual Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maarja ViikmaaMaarja ViikmaaMaarja Viikmaa was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Makeup Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Asko LinnoAsko LinnoAsko Linno was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Set Dresser, Property Master'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Oskar PoolaOskar PoolaOskar Poola was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Stunts'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Venno KornakVenno KornakVenno Kornak was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Gaffer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lauri LaasikLauri LaasikLauri Laasik was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Visual Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rein PruulRein PruulRein Pruul was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Assistant Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Siim BirkSiim BirkSiim Birk was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Set Dresser'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ave KuikAve KuikAve Kuik was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Costumer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kaarina KriisaKaarina KriisaKaarina Kriisa was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Assistant Makeup Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ronja SootnaRonja SootnaRonja Sootna was >> in Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady as 'Continuity'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday