Poster of Farewell Caracas

Farewell Caracas

Plot: “Farewell Caracas,” co-written by Cojot-Goldberg and Thomas Vincent (the co-director of “Bodyguard”), is set in the 1970s in Venezuela and is a semi-autobiographical tale. The film revolves around French expats who move to Venezuela and will star Melanie Thierry (“In Therapy”), Arieh Worthalter (“Girl”) and Mathieu Amalric (“Sound of Metal”)
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Mélanie ThierryMélanie Thierry
Mélanie Thierry may be
43+ in Farewell Caracas
Fri, Jul 17 1981
Portrait of Arieh WorthalterArieh Worthalter
Arieh Worthalter may be
39+ in Farewell Caracas
Mon, Mar 25 1985


Portrait of Yaël Cojot-GoldbergYaël Cojot-Goldberg
Yaël Cojot-Goldberg may be
>> in Farewell Caracas
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Denis LenoirDenis Lenoir
Denis Lenoir may be
>> in Farewell Caracas
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Thomas VincentThomas Vincent
Thomas Vincent may be
>> in Farewell Caracas
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aurélie GuichardAurélie Guichard
Aurélie Guichard may be
>> in Farewell Caracas
as 'Casting'
Unknown Birthday