Poster of Gozo/Gozar


Plot: In a world troubled between capital and hunger, free thinking about the importance of enjoyment and enjoyment as an act of resistance. No longer representation as a metaphor for the relationships sold by American cinema, but life lived as a metaphor for resistance to bad politics lived in the world
Release Date: Friday, July 1 2016
8 years ago
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Portrait of Luciana FroesLuciana Froes
Luciana Froes was
>> in Gozo/Gozar
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Luiz Rosemberg FilhoLuiz Rosemberg Filho
Luiz Rosemberg Filho was
72 in Gozo/Gozar
as 'Director, Screenplay, Producer'
Tue, Aug 24 1943 –
Sun, May 19 2019
Portrait of Lupércio BogéaLupércio Bogéa
Lupércio Bogéa was
>> in Gozo/Gozar
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Renaud LeenhardtRenaud Leenhardt
Renaud Leenhardt was
>> in Gozo/Gozar
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday