Poster of A gray day, a blue day, just like the sea

A gray day, a blue day, just like the sea

Plot: Carmen is taking a course in her neighborhood studying home care for the sick and elderly, sponsored by the government with the aim of social inclusion of the Gypsy people. Meanwhile, behind the discreet behavior of her everyday life, Carmen has a secret love life that defies the strict rules of her community
Release Date: Monday, December 31 2013
12 years ago
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Portrait of Melina TerribiliMelina Terribili
Melina Terribili was
>> in A gray day, a blue day, just like the sea
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Luciana TerribiliLuciana Terribili
Luciana Terribili was
>> in A gray day, a blue day, just like the sea
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Valeria RacioppiValeria Racioppi
Valeria Racioppi was
>> in A gray day, a blue day, just like the sea
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday