Poster of Garfield as Himself

Garfield as Himself

Plot: In HERE COMES GARFIELD, poor, sweet Odie is sent to the pound after he and Garfield are caught trying to annoy a nasty neighbor, and it's up to the fat cat to free the dim-witted pup. In GARFIELD ON THE TOWN, Garfield escapes on a trip to the vet, has a run-in with some alley cats and meets his long-lost mother
Release Date: Tuesday, June 29 2004
20 years ago
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Portrait of Jim DavisJim DavisJim Davis was 58 in Garfield as Himself as 'Writer, Producer'
Birthday: Sat, Jul 28 1945
Portrait of Lorenzo MusicLorenzo MusicLorenzo Music would have been no older than 64 in Garfield as Himself as 'Writer'
Birthday: Sun, May 02 1937 –
Sat, Aug 04 2001