Poster of Jo and the Boy

Jo and the Boy

Plot: An aspiring animation creator's dreams start coming true when she is met with a charismatic young boy. Jo and the Boy is not exactly a children's movie, but more of a Hollywood-style inspirational film set in the backdrop of an unspecified cold hill town and centered on a child enamored by cartoon characters
Release Date: Thursday, December 24 2015
9 years ago
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Portrait of Manju WarrierManju Warrier
Manju Warrier was
37 in Jo and the Boy
as 'Jo Ann'.
Sun, Sep 10 1978
Portrait of Sanoop SanthoshSanoop Santhosh
Sanoop Santhosh was
11 in Jo and the Boy
as 'Chris Martin'.
Sun, Dec 12 2004
Portrait of Lalu AlexLalu Alex
Lalu Alex was
61 in Jo and the Boy
Tue, Nov 30 1954
Portrait of KalaranjiniKalaranjini
Kalaranjini was
>> in Jo and the Boy
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sudheer KaramanaSudheer Karamana
Sudheer Karamana was
44 in Jo and the Boy
Mon, May 24 1971
Portrait of Pearle MaaneyPearle Maaney
Pearle Maaney was
26 in Jo and the Boy
Sun, May 28 1989
Portrait of Sunil SukhadaSunil Sukhada
Sunil Sukhada was
>> in Jo and the Boy
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Rojin ThomasRojin Thomas
Rojin Thomas was
>> in Jo and the Boy
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alice GeorgeAlice George
Alice George was
>> in Jo and the Boy
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rahman Mohammed AliRahman Mohammed Ali
Rahman Mohammed Ali was
>> in Jo and the Boy
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rahul SubrahmanianRahul Subrahmanian
Rahul Subrahmanian was
>> in Jo and the Boy
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Neil D'CunchaNeil D'Cuncha
Neil D'Cuncha was
>> in Jo and the Boy
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday