Plot: The Queen Mother and Wallis Simpson look back at the dramatic events of 1936, which led to King Edward Vlll giving up the throne for the woman he loved.
Queen Elizabeth the Queen MotherQueen Elizabeth the Queen Mother would have been no older than 101 in Royal Wives at War as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Thu, Aug 02 1900 – Sat, Mar 30 2002
King George VI of the United KingdomKing George VI of the United Kingdom would have been no older than 56 in Royal Wives at War as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Sat, Dec 14 1895 – Wed, Feb 06 1952
Wallis SimpsonWallis Simpson would have been no older than 89 in Royal Wives at War as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Birthday: Fri, Jun 19 1896 – Thu, Apr 24 1986
Tim DunnTim Dunn was >> in Royal Wives at War as 'Director'