Poster of The Ravenous Beast

The Ravenous Beast

Plot: The ravenous beast is hungry, hungry, hungry. But is he the hungriest animal of all? "Nonsense smonsense," scoff the other animals, and "Hokum Pokum!" But they want to watch out or the ravenous beast might just gobble 'em up and swallow 'em down! Walker Books have collaborated with King Rollo Films to create this gently animated DVD packaged together with the classic picture book
Release Date: Friday, April 6 2007
17 years ago
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Portrait of Kevin WhatelyKevin WhatelyKevin Whately was 56 in The Ravenous Beast as 'voice'.
Birthday: Tue, Feb 06 1951


Portrait of Leo NielsenLeo NielsenLeo Nielsen was >> in The Ravenous Beast as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday