Poster of Goodbye CP

Goodbye CP

Plot: Kazuo Hara follows the lives and activities of Yokota Hiroshi and Yokozuka Koichi, members of an activist group made up of people with cerebral palsy.
Release Date: Wednesday, March 1 1972
52 years ago
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Portrait of Hiroshi YokotaHiroshi Yokota
Hiroshi Yokota was
>> in Goodbye CP
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kôichi YokozukaKôichi Yokozuka
Kôichi Yokozuka was
>> in Goodbye CP
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Kazuo HaraKazuo Hara
Kazuo Hara was
26 in Goodbye CP
as 'Director, Director of Photography'
Fri, Jun 08 1945
Portrait of Sachiko KobayashiSachiko Kobayashi
Sachiko Kobayashi was
>> in Goodbye CP
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday