Poster of Utopia


Plot: The latest work from Australian political satirist, cartoonist and filmmaker Bruce Petty contemplates our efforts to imagine the future using animated and live-action sequences, fiction and reality. An accident takes place during the filming of a documentary on the future and the film’s presenter (Rhys Muldoon) slips into unconsciousness
Release Date: Tuesday, May 8 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Rhys MuldoonRhys Muldoon
Rhys Muldoon was
46 in Utopia
as 'Fraser'.
Sun, Oct 17 1965
Portrait of Gyton GrantleyGyton Grantley
Gyton Grantley was
31 in Utopia
Thu, Jul 17 1980
Portrait of Rebecca MasseyRebecca Massey
Rebecca Massey was
42 in Utopia
Fri, Sep 12 1969


Portrait of Bruce PettyBruce Petty
Bruce Petty was
>> in Utopia
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rowena CroweRowena Crowe
Rowena Crowe was
>> in Utopia
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michel PearceMichel Pearce
Michel Pearce was
>> in Utopia
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rod CoatsRod Coats
Rod Coats was
>> in Utopia
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kathryn MillissKathryn Milliss
Kathryn Milliss was
>> in Utopia
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday