Poster of After Armageddon

After Armageddon

Plot: The plot centers around the Johnson family (consisting of Chris (Rob Hartz) and Ellen (Kathleen Cameron) Johnson, and their son Casey (Hy Rillero)) of Los Angeles, California, one of a small number of families to survive a global pandemic that, according to the opening of the film, occurs "sometime in the future.
Release Date: Wednesday, January 6 2010
14 years ago
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Portrait of Rob HartzRob Hartz
Rob Hartz was
>> in After Armageddon
as 'Chris Johnson'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kathleen CameronKathleen Cameron
Kathleen Cameron was
>> in After Armageddon
as 'Ellen Johnson'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of James BrownJames Brown
James Brown was
>> in After Armageddon
as 'Gang Member'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ross CollinsRoss Collins
Ross Collins was
>> in After Armageddon
as 'Merchant Gang Leader'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Stephen KempStephen Kemp
Stephen Kemp was
>> in After Armageddon
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday