Poster of Harbor


Plot: Satama” is an observative short documentary film about the demolishion of a squat called ”Satama Social Center”, which has been a safe haven, a shelter, for youngsters fighting against commerciality, individualism and capitalism in Helsinki, Finland. The film depicts the activist community's and its particpants' arranged events during the final months of the squat, before the inevitable triumph of the capitalistic values prevail
Release Date: Monday, March 26 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Oscar WollstenOscar Wollsten
Oscar Wollsten was
>> in Harbor
as 'Producer, Director, Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Toms ŠķēleToms Šķēle
Toms Šķēle was
>> in Harbor
as 'Colorist, Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kaarel TiidusKaarel Tiidus
Kaarel Tiidus was
>> in Harbor
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pekka KoivistoPekka Koivisto
Pekka Koivisto was
>> in Harbor
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday