Poster of Children of the River

Children of the River

Plot: A young boy and his three friends are trying to live a normal life, battling their own demons and taking care of their respective families while their fathers are away. Until one day, the phone call that they look forward to everyday, finally never came
Release Date: Friday, August 2 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of Noel Comia Jr.Noel Comia Jr.Noel Comia Jr. was 15 in Children of the River
Birthday: Sat, May 29 2004
Portrait of Ricky OriarteRicky OriarteRicky Oriarte was >> in Children of the River
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dave Justin FrancisDave Justin FrancisDave Justin Francis was >> in Children of the River
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Junyka SantarinJunyka SantarinJunyka Santarin was >> in Children of the River
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of JR CustodioJR CustodioJR Custodio was >> in Children of the River
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Juancho TriviñoJuancho TriviñoJuancho Triviño was 26 in Children of the River
Birthday: Tue, Apr 13 1993
Portrait of Jay ManaloJay ManaloJay Manalo was 43 in Children of the River
Birthday: Fri, Jan 30 1976
Portrait of Rich AsuncionRich AsuncionRich Asuncion was >> in Children of the River
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kareen OriarteKareen OriarteKareen Oriarte was >> in Children of the River
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jennifer AcostaJennifer AcostaJennifer Acosta was >> in Children of the River
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ma. Luisa HerreraMa. Luisa HerreraMa. Luisa Herrera was >> in Children of the River
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Maricel CariagaMaricel CariagaMaricel Cariaga was >> in Children of the River as 'Editor, Director, Screenplay, Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Zig Madamba DulayZig Madamba DulayZig Madamba Dulay was >> in Children of the River as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jerome DulinJerome DulinJerome Dulin was >> in Children of the River as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lorenzo NielsenLorenzo NielsenLorenzo Nielsen was >> in Children of the River as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hector CalmaHector CalmaHector Calma was >> in Children of the River as 'Cinematography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joseph ArcegonoJoseph ArcegonoJoseph Arcegono was >> in Children of the River as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday