Poster of One Day...

One Day...

Plot: After he gets out of the toilets, a man is being chased by a human-sized turd, claiming to be the man's child. "Why have you abandoned me?" is the question the turd keeps on asking
Release Date: Monday, January 1 2001
23 years ago
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Portrait of Michel GondryMichel Gondry
Michel Gondry was
37 in One Day...
as 'The Man'.
Wed, May 08 1963
Portrait of David CrossDavid Cross
David Cross was
36 in One Day...
as 'The Turd'.
Sat, Apr 04 1964


Portrait of Michel GondryMichel Gondry
Michel Gondry was
37 in One Day...
as 'Director, Writer'
Wed, May 08 1963
Portrait of Adrian ScartasciniAdrian Scartascini
Adrian Scartascini was
>> in One Day...
as 'Director of Photography, Co-Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julie FongJulie Fong
Julie Fong was
>> in One Day...
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jason BistarkeyJason Bistarkey
Jason Bistarkey was
>> in One Day...
as 'Co-Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jeffrey StevensJeffrey Stevens
Jeffrey Stevens was
>> in One Day...
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Heidi BivensHeidi Bivens
Heidi Bivens was
24 in One Day...
as 'Costume Design'
Sun, Jun 27 1976
Portrait of Lauri FaggioLauri Faggio
Lauri Faggio was
>> in One Day...
as 'Costume Design'
Unknown Birthday