Poster of Strandzha


Plot: The debut documentary by Bulgarian-born German resident and renowned photographer Pepa Hristova is set in the Strandzha mountains, the natural border between Bulgaria and Turkey. In that sparsely populated land and in one of the last primeval European forests is a crossroads between ancient rituals, nationalism, migration and anarchy, as the bleak past blends with modern-day threats in a terra incognita for the West
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Pepa HristovaPepa Hristova
Pepa Hristova may be
>> in Strandzha
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julia CöllenJulia Cöllen
Julia Cöllen may be
>> in Strandzha
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Martichka BozhilovaMartichka Bozhilova
Martichka Bozhilova may be
>> in Strandzha
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday