Poster of Amar Artanad

Amar Artanad

Plot: A lawyer takes up the case of a young girl who has been sexually abused at school. She encounters a lot of resistance in her mission
Release Date: Friday, February 21 2020
5 years ago
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Portrait of Anjana BasuAnjana BasuAnjana Basu was >> in Amar Artanad
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joy SenguptaJoy SenguptaJoy Sengupta was 51 in Amar Artanad
Birthday: Sat, Dec 14 1968
Portrait of Manasi SinhaManasi SinhaManasi Sinha was >> in Amar Artanad
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Arpita ChatterjeeArpita ChatterjeeArpita Chatterjee was >> in Amar Artanad
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
