Poster of Daddy


Plot: In a dystopian society where the state has the power to determine who can and cannot father children, four men attend a government sanctioned retreat in the remote mountains of California. When they show up at the site, only to find no guide or instructions waiting for them, they are left to their own devices and must prove to themselves—and each other—that they have what it takes to become fathers
Release Date: Thursday, December 5 2024
Released within the last year
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Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Britt BaronBritt Baron
Britt Baron was
29 in Daddy
as 'F.R.A.N.N.'.
Mon, Oct 16 1995
Portrait of Neal KelleyNeal Kelley
Neal Kelley was
>> in Daddy
as 'Andrew'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pomme KochPomme Koch
Pomme Koch was
>> in Daddy
as 'Mo'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joseph LopezJoseph Lopez
Joseph Lopez was
>> in Daddy
as 'The Driver'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yuriy SardarovYuriy Sardarov
Yuriy Sardarov was
36 in Daddy
as 'Sebastian'.
Thu, Jan 28 1988
Portrait of Jono ShermanJono Sherman
Jono Sherman was
>> in Daddy
as 'Jeremy'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jacqueline ToboniJacqueline Toboni
Jacqueline Toboni was
32 in Daddy
as 'Ally'.
Tue, Feb 18 1992


Portrait of Neal KelleyNeal Kelley
Neal Kelley was
>> in Daddy
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jono ShermanJono Sherman
Jono Sherman was
>> in Daddy
as 'Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sophia KalinSophia Kalin
Sophia Kalin was
>> in Daddy
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday