Poster of Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd'

Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd'

Plot: In this interview, shot by the Criterion Collection in 2018, Ron Briley, author of 'The Ambivalent Legacy of Elia Kazan: The Politics of the Post-HUAC Films', discusses the origins of the Lonesome Rhodes character in the biographies of populist celebrities such as Will Rogers and Arthur Godfrey. He also addresses the political implications of 'A Face in the Crowd' (1957) within the context of Kazan's career
Release Date: Tuesday, April 23 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of Ron BrileyRon BrileyRon Briley was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Angie BucknellAngie BucknellAngie Bucknell was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Production Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Issa ClubbIssa ClubbIssa Clubb was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jonathan TurellJonathan TurellJonathan Turell was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fumiko TakagiFumiko TakagiFumiko Takagi was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kim HendricksonKim HendricksonKim Hendrickson was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Peter BeckerPeter BeckerPeter Becker was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stephen GurewitzStephen GurewitzStephen Gurewitz was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gabriel ChávezGabriel ChávezGabriel Chávez was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Online Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jason EverettJason EverettJason Everett was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Sound Recordist, Camera Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lee KlineLee KlineLee Kline was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Technical Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vasilis FotopoulosVasilis FotopoulosVasilis Fotopoulos would have been no older than 73 in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 01 1934 –
Sun, Jan 14 2007
Portrait of Ryan HullingsRyan HullingsRyan Hullings was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Sound Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stéphane PecharmanStéphane PecharmanStéphane Pecharman was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Quality Control Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Giles SherwoodGiles SherwoodGiles Sherwood was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Post Production Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julie SussmanJulie SussmanJulie Sussman was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Photo Retouching'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andrew AlvarezAndrew AlvarezAndrew Alvarez was >> in Ron Briley on 'A Face in the Crowd' as 'Post Production Coordinator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday