Poster of Cosmic Fling

Cosmic Fling

Plot: Cosmic Fling is the tale of Stan, an intergalactic garbage man who lives alone on an asteroid. To feed himself, he harpoons space debris and converts it into nourishment
Release Date: Tuesday, January 28 2020
4 years ago
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Portrait of Josh FademJosh Fadem
Josh Fadem was
39 in Cosmic Fling
as 'Stan'.
Sat, Jul 19 1980
Portrait of Caitlin McGeeCaitlin McGee
Caitlin McGee was
32 in Cosmic Fling
as 'Beatrice'.
Sat, Jan 09 1988


Portrait of Jonathan LangagerJonathan Langager
Jonathan Langager was
>> in Cosmic Fling
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday