Poster of Tiger Claws II

Tiger Claws II

Plot: Released five years after the first installment, Tiger Claws II finds Yeung's martial arts serial killer, Chong, busted out of jail by a team of heavies in the employ of gangster Dai Lo Fu and whisked across the country to San Fransisco's Chinatown. When NYC cop Tarek Richards learns of a rash of recent killings using Chong's distinctive M
Release Date: Saturday, May 25 1996
28 years ago
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Portrait of Jalal MerhiJalal Merhi
Jalal Merhi was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Tarek Richards'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bolo YeungBolo Yeung
Bolo Yeung was
49 in Tiger Claws II
as 'Chong'.
Wed, Jul 03 1946
Portrait of Cynthia RothrockCynthia Rothrock
Cynthia Rothrock was
39 in Tiger Claws II
as 'Linda Masterson'.
Fri, Mar 08 1957
Portrait of Ong Soo HanOng Soo Han
Ong Soo Han was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Dai Lo Fu'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Evan LurieEvan Lurie
Evan Lurie was
30 in Tiger Claws II
as 'Victor'.
Mon, Jan 10 1966
Portrait of Lazar RockwoodLazar Rockwood
Lazar Rockwood was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Escobar'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eric LeeEric Lee
Eric Lee was
47 in Tiger Claws II
as 'Old Prisoner'.
Fri, Jul 30 1948
Portrait of Paul RapovskiPaul Rapovski
Paul Rapovski was
27 in Tiger Claws II
as 'Patch'.
Thu, Mar 27 1969
Portrait of Brad MilneBrad Milne
Brad Milne was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Jones'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Harry MokHarry Mok
Harry Mok was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Harry'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of J. Stephen MaunderJ. Stephen Maunder
J. Stephen Maunder was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Director, Writer, Story'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mark WillisMark Willis
Mark Willis was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jalal MerhiJalal Merhi
Jalal Merhi was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kevin SchjerningKevin Schjerning
Kevin Schjerning was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of John MeakinJohn Meakin
John Meakin was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Darryl CornfordDarryl Cornford
Darryl Cornford was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of VaroujeVarouje
Varouje was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Liesl DeslauriersLiesl Deslauriers
Liesl Deslauriers was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Set Decoration'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rosalie BoardRosalie Board
Rosalie Board was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Art Direction'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ingrid JurekIngrid Jurek
Ingrid Jurek was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andreas KyprianouAndreas Kyprianou
Andreas Kyprianou was
>> in Tiger Claws II
as 'Story'
Unknown Birthday