Poster of Birddog


Plot: Tells the story of Harv Beckman, a used car salesman in a trashy part of town who accidentally comes in to possession of a rare 1948 Kaiser automobile, which leads to some disturbing revelations about the facts behind the 1948 Vanport, Oregon flood which destroyed an entire city. Portland, Oregon is the backdrop of this film that explores racism, greed, and class in a very corrupt city
Release Date: Friday, December 31 1999
24 years ago
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Portrait of Dougald ParkDougald Park
Dougald Park was
>> in Birddog
as 'Harv Beckman'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Don AlderDon Alder
Don Alder was
>> in Birddog
as 'Ron Tilly'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jim CuevasJim Cuevas
Jim Cuevas was
>> in Birddog
as 'Tommy'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tom LasswellTom Lasswell
Tom Lasswell was
>> in Birddog
as 'Earl'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Janet McIntyreJanet McIntyre
Janet McIntyre was
>> in Birddog
as 'Betty'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Harris MatarazzoHarris Matarazzo
Harris Matarazzo was
>> in Birddog
as 'Tony'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gloria PetersonGloria Peterson
Gloria Peterson was
>> in Birddog
as 'Betty's Mom'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Enrique AriasEnrique Arias
Enrique Arias was
>> in Birddog
as 'Derek'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christopher StackChristopher Stack
Christopher Stack was
>> in Birddog
as 'Terry Reynolds'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Duffy EpsteinDuffy Epstein
Duffy Epstein was
>> in Birddog
as 'Dave Patton'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Danny BrunoDanny Bruno
Danny Bruno was
47 in Birddog
as 'Ben'.
Wed, Aug 13 1952
Portrait of Barbara LuschBarbara Lusch
Barbara Lusch was
>> in Birddog
as 'Sydney'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lowell SlickLowell Slick
Lowell Slick was
>> in Birddog
as 'Leonard'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Steven Clark PachosaSteven Clark Pachosa
Steven Clark Pachosa was
>> in Birddog
as 'Roger Johnson'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Steven MaysSteven Mays
Steven Mays was
>> in Birddog
as 'Ralph Styles'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jim CaputoJim Caputo
Jim Caputo was
>> in Birddog
as 'Barney'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Kelley BakerKelley Baker
Kelley Baker was
>> in Birddog
as 'Writer, Executive Producer, Director'
Unknown Birthday