Poster of The Remnants

The Remnants

Plot: In October 2015, the evicted residents who had imprisoned on a false charge of killing a policeman assembled in a place for the first time after the Yongsan Disaster six years ago. They had occupied a watchtower against unreasonable redevelopment policies and in protest against violent suppression used by riot police in 25 hours of their sit-in demonstration
Release Date: Thursday, January 25 2018
6 years ago
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Portrait of Lee Chung-yeonLee Chung-yeon
Lee Chung-yeon was
>> in The Remnants
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kim Juh-wanKim Juh-wan
Kim Juh-wan was
>> in The Remnants
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kim Chang-suKim Chang-su
Kim Chang-su was
>> in The Remnants
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chun Ju-seokChun Ju-seok
Chun Ju-seok was
>> in The Remnants
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jee Seok-junJee Seok-jun
Jee Seok-jun was
>> in The Remnants
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Lee Hyuk-sangLee Hyuk-sang
Lee Hyuk-sang was
>> in The Remnants
as 'Producer, Director, Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kim Il-ranKim Il-ran
Kim Il-ran was
>> in The Remnants
as 'Producer, Director, Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nung-coolNung-cool
Nung-cool was
>> in The Remnants
as 'Director of Photography, Producer, Assistant Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kim Hyung-jooKim Hyung-joo
Kim Hyung-joo was
40 in The Remnants
as 'Director of Photography'
Wed, Jun 29 1977
Portrait of Byun Gyu-riByun Gyu-ri
Byun Gyu-ri was
>> in The Remnants
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Han Young-heeHan Young-hee
Han Young-hee was
43 in The Remnants
as 'Producer'
Thu, Oct 31 1974
Portrait of Choi Ui-gyeongChoi Ui-gyeong
Choi Ui-gyeong was
>> in The Remnants
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kim Cheol-minKim Cheol-min
Kim Cheol-min was
>> in The Remnants
as 'Camera Operator'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pyo Yong-sooPyo Yong-soo
Pyo Yong-soo was
>> in The Remnants
as 'Sound Supervisor'
Unknown Birthday