Poster of Yenendi de Ganghel (Rain Dance at Ganghel)

Yenendi de Ganghel (Rain Dance at Ganghel)

Plot: Lightning struck the hut of a Fulani shepherd near a village of settled fishermen, Ganghel, in Niger. A yenendi, a purification ceremony to obtain "water from the sky but not fire from the sky", is organized, with Sorko priests, ritual musicians and dancers, and the faithful from Niamey
Release Date: Monday, January 1 1968
57 years ago
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Portrait of Jean RouchJean RouchJean Rouch was 50 in Yenendi de Ganghel (Rain Dance at Ganghel) as 'Director'
Birthday: Thu, May 31 1917 –
Wed, Feb 18 2004
Portrait of Jean-Pierre LacamJean-Pierre LacamJean-Pierre Lacam was >> in Yenendi de Ganghel (Rain Dance at Ganghel) as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Diouldé LayaDiouldé LayaDiouldé Laya was >> in Yenendi de Ganghel (Rain Dance at Ganghel) as 'Assistant Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fatimata DiarraFatimata DiarraFatimata Diarra was >> in Yenendi de Ganghel (Rain Dance at Ganghel) as 'Assistant Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Moussa HamidouMoussa HamidouMoussa Hamidou was >> in Yenendi de Ganghel (Rain Dance at Ganghel) as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday