Poster of 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race

3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race

Plot: Two beautiful and different girls, Alice and Lisette are 17 years old, when forcibly removed from their Alsatian family to cooperate in the war effort in Germany. After spending six months in a indoctrination camp, they are both sent to a munitions factory where they are tasked to perform inhuman works
Release Date: Friday, September 14 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Flore BonaventuraFlore BonaventuraFlore Bonaventura was 23 in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Alice Fabre / Alicia Faberlicht'.
Birthday: Sun, Oct 02 1988
Portrait of Louise HerreroLouise HerreroLouise Herrero was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Lisette Weiss'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pierre KiwittPierre KiwittPierre Kiwitt was 35 in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Hugo Steiner'.
Birthday: Thu, Feb 03 1977
Portrait of Matthias DietrichMatthias DietrichMatthias Dietrich was 31 in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Dassler'.
Birthday: Mon, May 18 1981
Portrait of Manuela BiedermannManuela BiedermannManuela Biedermann was 47 in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Inge Sprenger'.
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1965
Portrait of Oliver WalserOliver WalserOliver Walser was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Fritzmann'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Macha MérilMacha MérilMacha Méril was 72 in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Alice Fabre (old)'.
Birthday: Tue, Sep 03 1940
Portrait of Karoly FelfoldyKaroly FelfoldyKaroly Felfoldy was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Hugo Steiner (old)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julia ThurnauJulia ThurnauJulia Thurnau was 38 in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Trudl'.
Birthday: Tue, May 21 1974
Portrait of Hildegard SchroedterHildegard SchroedterHildegard Schroedter was 54 in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Wilma'.
Birthday: Tue, May 20 1958
Portrait of Laura WeissbeckerLaura WeissbeckerLaura Weissbecker was 27 in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Justine'.
Birthday: Wed, Oct 03 1984
Portrait of Maria DerrienMaria DerrienMaria Derrien was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Christina'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anne SomotAnne SomotAnne Somot was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Olga'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maud galet-lalandeMaud galet-lalandeMaud galet-lalande was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Karla'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marie SchoenbockMarie SchoenbockMarie Schoenbock was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Ingrid'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Philippe OhrelPhilippe OhrelPhilippe Ohrel was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Doctor'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aurore SchneiderAurore SchneiderAurore Schneider was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Woman giving birth'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roland KiefferRoland KiefferRoland Kieffer was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Villager'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Angelika SchollmeyerAngelika SchollmeyerAngelika Schollmeyer was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Mother Alice'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anne EyerAnne EyerAnne Eyer was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Prison guard'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Denis MallevalDenis MallevalDenis Malleval was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bertrand de la FontaineBertrand de la FontaineBertrand de la Fontaine was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Production Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of William WatterlotWilliam WatterlotWilliam Watterlot was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Laurent RigautLaurent RigautLaurent Rigaut was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Production Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hélène DelaleHélène DelaleHélène Delale was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Delegated Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Didier VandewattyneDidier VandewattyneDidier Vandewattyne was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jean MusyJean MusyJean Musy was 64 in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Thu, Dec 18 1947
Portrait of Nina BarbierNina BarbierNina Barbier was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Story'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Barbara GrinbergBarbara GrinbergBarbara Grinberg was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Story, Dialogue'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Séverine JacquetSéverine JacquetSéverine Jacquet was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Story'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christian FontaineChristian FontaineChristian Fontaine was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniel BanaszakDaniel BanaszakDaniel Banaszak was >> in 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race as 'Sound Engineer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday