Plot: A stranger enters a town that has been evacuated because of an unexploded bomb. Meanwhile the inhabitants are watching through telescopes and are getting restless at the stranger’s antics
Jean-François LaguionieJean-François Laguionie was 29 in A Random Bomb as 'Director, Writer, Screenplay, Animation, Decorator, Director of Photography'
Birthday: Wed, Oct 04 1939
Johann Sebastian BachJohann Sebastian Bach would have been no older than 65 in A Random Bomb as 'Music'
Birthday: Sat, Mar 31 1685 – Tue, Jul 28 1750
Pierre AlrandPierre Alrand was >> in A Random Bomb as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Henri GruelHenri Gruel was 45 in A Random Bomb as 'Sound Effects Designer'