Poster of Me...Jane


Plot: Patrick McDonnell tells the story of the young Jane Goodall and her special childhood toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. As the young Jane observes the natural world around her with wonder, she dreams of "a life living with and helping all animals," until one day she finds that her dream has come true
Release Date: Saturday, January 10 2015
9 years ago
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Portrait of Katherine KellgrenKatherine Kellgren
Katherine Kellgren was
>> in Me...Jane
as 'Narrator'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jane GoodallJane Goodall
Jane Goodall was
80 in Me...Jane
as 'voice'.
Tue, Apr 03 1934


Portrait of Sandra FierlingerSandra Fierlinger
Sandra Fierlinger was
>> in Me...Jane
as 'Animation, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paul FierlingerPaul Fierlinger
Paul Fierlinger was
78 in Me...Jane
as 'Animation, Director'
Sun, Mar 15 1936
Portrait of Patrick McDonnellPatrick McDonnell
Patrick McDonnell was
>> in Me...Jane
as 'Writer, Book'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paul R. GagnePaul R. Gagne
Paul R. Gagne was
>> in Me...Jane
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Melissa ReillyMelissa Reilly
Melissa Reilly was
>> in Me...Jane
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Linda LeeLinda Lee
Linda Lee was
>> in Me...Jane
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shay LynchShay Lynch
Shay Lynch was
>> in Me...Jane
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday