Poster of My Pretty Pony

My Pretty Pony

Plot: My Pretty Pony is a story telling about time and what the old man believes time is telling him. He believes this pony represents time and he must fufill it
Release Date: Friday, April 3 2009
15 years ago
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Portrait of Paul MarinPaul Marin
Paul Marin was
>> in My Pretty Pony
as 'George Banning'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mikhail TankMikhail Tank
Mikhail Tank was
>> in My Pretty Pony
as 'Grandson'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Mikhail TankMikhail Tank
Mikhail Tank was
>> in My Pretty Pony
as 'Director, Screenplay, Producer, Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of James S. 'Jamie' BrownJames S. 'Jamie' Brown
James S. 'Jamie' Brown was
>> in My Pretty Pony
as 'Cinematography, Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stephen KingStephen King
Stephen King was
61 in My Pretty Pony
as 'Story'
Sun, Sep 21 1947