Poster of Prototype


Plot: Three unlikely cohorts inadvertently stumble upon an invention that challenges the very nature of quantum physics, a discovery which in turn puts their lives in grave danger.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Jack DavenportJack DavenportJack Davenport may be 52+ in Prototype as 'edward conway'.
Birthday: Thu, Mar 01 1973
Portrait of Cote de PabloCote de PabloCote de Pablo may be 45+ in Prototype as 'Laura Kale'.
Birthday: Mon, Nov 12 1979


Portrait of Juan Carlos FresnadilloJuan Carlos FresnadilloJuan Carlos Fresnadillo may be 57+ in Prototype as 'Director'
Birthday: Tue, Dec 05 1967
Portrait of Tony BasgallopTony BasgallopTony Basgallop may be 57+ in Prototype as 'Writer'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 01 1968