Poster of Venmegam


Plot: Venmegam is a 2014 Tamil film directed by director duo Ram-Laxman and produced by Sujatha Sunitha Combines. The film features Vidharth and Ishara Nair in the lead roles, while Jaffer Hanni composes the film's music
Release Date: Friday, February 21 2014
10 years ago
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Portrait of VidharthVidharth
Vidharth was
34 in Venmegam
as 'Aravind'.
Thu, Dec 20 1979
Portrait of Ishara NairIshara Nair
Ishara Nair was
27 in Venmegam
as 'Raji'.
Fri, May 30 1986
Portrait of Jayashri SivadasJayashri Sivadas
Jayashri Sivadas was
>> in Venmegam
as 'Pooja'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of RohiniRohini
Rohini was
44 in Venmegam
as 'Jyothi'.
Mon, Dec 15 1969
Portrait of JaganJagan
Jagan was
30 in Venmegam
as 'Bhaskar'.
Thu, Dec 01 1983
Portrait of Manjari VinodhiniManjari Vinodhini
Manjari Vinodhini was
>> in Venmegam
as 'Akka'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of RamRam
Ram was
>> in Venmegam
as 'Director, Story, Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of LaxmanLaxman
Laxman was
>> in Venmegam
as 'Director, Screenplay, Story'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of SujathaSujatha
Sujatha was
>> in Venmegam
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of SunithaSunitha
Sunitha was
>> in Venmegam
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jaffer HanniJaffer Hanni
Jaffer Hanni was
>> in Venmegam
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday